

ACUPOLL LIVE™ Rapid Development Sessions help your team quantitatively evaluate, qualitatively improve, and rapidly iterate to speed your ideas to market. Combining readable, well-controlled quantitative evaluation with our unique in-person Predictive Qualitative™ technique unleashes insight which neither typical quant nor qual alone can provide: more confident conclusions, more targeted probing, and “on the fly” improvements in questions and stimuli.



Conducting separate qualitative and quantitative studies takes longer and deprives you of the wisdom from combining them.

Conventional qualitative studies are prone to group bias or vulnerability to stray comments that aren’t representative.

Qual is too often used for the quantitative objective of evaluating and choosing directions, and is unreliable for that purpose.

Quant doesn’t get as much depth on the “whys,” and is inefficient when you need to iterate your way through a series of changing stimuli.


Rapid Development Sessions can be deployed iteratively for:

  • Campaign Development

  • Concept Immersion/Co-Creation

  • Menu Development

  • Product Tests

  • Packaging Tests

  • FDA Label Comprehension

  • Any challenge requiring iterative improvement, confident in-person evaluation, or evaluation of a lot of stimuli or stimuli in context (e.g. multi-platform campaigns or concept-and-use)


Dynamic, iterative sessions of 30-50 respondents (sometimes up to 100) accumulate to reliable base sizes for validation in total and for key segments

ACUPOLL’s proprietary iPad platform captures more input than qual and provides instant access to real time quant results, leading to better probing

2-hour sessions capture far more data than available in online quant studies

Immerse and explore topic areas collaboratively with consumers with greater confidence and insight

Obtain reliable in-person evaluation of products, structural packages, and displays

Take good ideas and make them great

Walk out with all of the quantitative and qualitative output for every session.

No more waiting for the data


ACUPOLL LIVE™ tackles some of the most critical developmental challenges such as consumer concept co-creation for a global new brand launch in the US and Asia, iterative menu development for one of the largest quick service restaurants, or Nestlé's 2016 Super Bowl campaign.