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5 Success Stories Leveraging Multi-Cognition Research

Research can help you identify your best ideas, yet the choice of research methodology can make or break your initiative. Failing to understand the strengths of each idea rationally AND emotionally can mean overlooking the most powerful idea, or even chasing the wrong one. 

SPARK Multi-Cognition Research® goes beyond the thoughtful “System 2” reasoning of traditional idea screening to also capture consumers’ “System 1” Impulse and Emotion – which are critical drivers of success in today’s noisy, hyper-competitive marketplace.

Here are 5 great examples of how our methodology has helped clients succeed:

  • Leading OTC Health Care Company (Innovation) – Evaluated 144 seed ideas (headline, package, a few bullets) across 9 studies for their market-leading brand and 6 other brands, resulting in 20 new product launches

  • Top 3 Telecom Company (Messaging) – Evaluated 126 ad messages, performance claims, value messages and offers across 7 studies, fueling multiple campaigns, including their 2023 Super Bowl ad

  • Top 15 Fast Food Restaurant (Positioning) – Screened 37 positioning statements across 14 strategic territories to identify the top 2-3 sound bites – positioning benefits and RTBs – that most attract competitive users and elevate the brand’s Value perception

  • Leading Lifestyle Food Brand (Packaging) – Evaluated 30 messages in 5 areas to find the most appealing and unique language for upgrading the positioning and on-pack claims, resulting in new designs with significantly increased purchase intent, uniqueness, taste, and equity communication

  • Top Jewelry Retailers (Design/Style) – Screened 250 new jewelry designs, licenses, and product “stories” across 14 studies to determine the most powerful images and language to introduce across several retail chains