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Revolutionizing How We Evaluate Consumer Decision-Making

Systems 1 and 2: Not Either/Or, But Both

Plenty has been written about advances in cognitive science around System 1 thinking (fast, automatic, and emotional) and System 2 thinking (slow, deliberate, and rational). Because consumers use both System 1 and 2 thinking, it is unlikely that research evaluating only their rational assessment OR focusing entirely on implicit/emotional reactions will yield complete results and insight to make the best brand strategy and messaging choices possible. Measuring both System 1 and 2 thinking is important because it more accurately captures how the brain works …

5 Success Stories Leveraging Multi-Cognition Research

We’ve debated with ChatGPT about the importance of understanding how emotion/impulse and rational thought factor into consumers’ purchase decisions.

Our Spark Multi-Cognition Research® methodology goes beyond traditional screening of “System 2” reasoning to capture impulsive “System 1” drivers that are critical in today’s crowded marketplace. Spark MCR has helped clients across multiple categories grow their business by narrowing in on the most effective messaging for ad campaigns and packaging, understanding how to increase value and purchase intent, identifying ways to attract new users, and more…

Click below to learn about 5 of our many Spark success stories.

Spark In-Market Validation

Last year, we unveiled Spark MCR's groundbreaking approach to more completely evaluate ideas than traditional surveys by capturing Impulse and Emotion, as well as conscious Reflection. Spark MCR is 2x more likely to capture consumers' "gut" reactions, and better discriminates across ideas to find the real winners. Now we're unveiling in-market results from a new study on Pinterest for a major retailer which demonstrates that Spark MCR results are significantly and more strongly correlated with higher online "engagement" and e-commerce sales than the traditional approach.